Visit from Clyde 1 legends Cassi and George Bowie

The staff at our One O One Penilee store received a massive morale boost during last week’s Cash For Kids Day with a visit from Clyde 1 legends Cassi and George Bowie.

Over the past few weeks, our hard-working teams across our forty-seven stores have been flat-out collecting donations from our extremely generous customers via our in-store collection tins.

As the fundraising drew to a close over the weekend we were delighted to find out that enough donations were collected across the entire campaign to make this summer a little brighter for 14,996 children throughout Glasgow & The West.

We’re very proud to be headline sponsors for these key Cash For Kids fundraisers and the amount we collectively raise simply wouldn’t be possible without the continued support from our loyal One O One Convenience Store customers and the various other local business who aid the campaign.